Live like you mean it.
Hi. I’m so glad you’re here.
How big do you dream? Do you only set goals you know you can achieve? Maybe you don’t allow yourself to imagine a different life at all because you think it’s not even possible.
This space is about dreaming bigger, dreaming just to dream. It’s about doing life in a new way. It’s embracing the idea that we are free to create our own experiences. A life so far beyond what we thought was possible. And the key to getting that life, is simple: dreaming bigger.
I’m exploring how big my desires can grow and how far my imagination can take me, with no worry of how attainable the ideas may be. Then, trying. Just trying to get as close as possible. Knowing and accepting that the dream is so big, I may not get there. I may fail a lot. I may fall short of those dreams more often than I reach them… But that’s exactly the point.
It’s not about what I’m able to achieve. It’s about allowing myself to try to reach things I don’t think are possible and basking in the joy of knowing how close I’m able to get. Then doing it all over again and again.
Chasing goals is one thing. But if you’re in a constant hustle to achieve the next goal are you truly enjoying the process? Are you truly enjoying your life? Or are you hustling your time away in hopes you reach the day when you finally feel satisfied or when you finally feel successful? If your main focus isn't on the final outcome, but only on trying go get as close as possible, how different would your life feel?
Well, I’m out here dreaming just to dream. Enjoying the days spent envisioning all the different possibilities. I’m here to build a new definition of success.