Jessi on guam

a memoir

 Y’all. I wrote a book! 

And I could not possibly be more excited to share it with you!

When selecting my Word of the Year for 2021, no matter how much I resisted, I kept coming back to the same word: WRITE.

I didn’t like it.

I’ve said for most of my adult life that I would start writing books when the time was right and it just didn’t seem right yet. Writing is something I have always known I would do eventually. Just not right now.

When the word WRITE kept coming up again and again it became more than I could ignore. So I sat down and started making list after list of things I would like to write and one day the title came to me.

I opened a new document on my laptop and typed the title: Jessi on Guam.

And with those three simple words, the time was suddenly right.

Jessi on guam will be available October 8, 2021!